A cairn is simply a collection of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn (plural càirn). Cairns are used as trail markers in many parts of the world, in uplands, on moorland, on mountaintops, near waterways and on sea cliffs, as…

Me and a local cairn.

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Every month the Character Club Newsletter knocks on your inbox to share news about the series. It’s also a glimpse into my life as a writer/teacher/mother/wife. Thanks for stopping by, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

A cairn is simply a collection of stones. The word cairn comes from the Scottish Gaelic: càrn (plural càirn). Cairns are used as trail markers in many parts of the world, on mountaintops, near waterways and on sea cliffs, etc. (shortened from wikipedia)

My books are cairns in my life story. You can read more in the very first blog post below. Scroll right until you see picture on left.