There was an old commercial that would run each September in which the dad was sailing through the aisles of Staples on a shopping cart. The lyrics "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the year" played in the background.
The camera panned to two dread-filled faced children as the dad rode past them
with a foot kicked back behind him and the utmost glee on his face.
I chuckle every time I think of that commercial because
I LOVE back to school time!
So which are you?
Dad or kid?
Does this time of year fill you with anticipation as you buy new boxes of crayons, markers or curriculum?
Or do you dread saying goodbye to your kids as they head out the door to the new unknown?
Whatever you are feeling right now, it's okay!
If there is one thing we can rely on, it’s the changing of the seasons as time marches on.
We’ve experienced a lot of change around here lately.
I’m in a new classroom.
Our oldest just left for college.
Our youngest is a sophomore and feels like an only child some days.
We’re getting more date nights with no kids in the house.
Some of my students chose adaptability as their affective goal this year.
I think it needs to be mine, too!
I’ve said it before and it still holds true.
A sense of gratitude is what keeps us sane.
I’m thankful for my health at 50,
my family, ten phenomenal math students, and
friends like you who read what I write each month.
So how about you? What are you thankful for today?
(This post is part of an online community called 5 minute Fridays. One word prompt. 5 minutes to write. This post’s word: rely)