New word alert

My husband and I coined a new phrase last week.
I've been in a horrible situation at work that has made me feel targeted, unappreciated, and dismissed.
None of these feelings bring joy.
Last week, my stress woke me up at 3am.
I spent the next three hours crying, praying, and wrestling over invented conversations with someone
that would never occur.
When my husband finally woke up, we talked through it.
He told me a story about the ancient Isrealites who were under siege in a walled city.
A prophet told them they could stay inside but they would die by the sword,
OR they could surrender to the enemy outside and live.
Staying to fight led to death
Surrender led to life
that life would not be easy.
They would become slaves to a foreign king and sacrifice all they knew of their way of life.
They would need to endure that decision.
I realized that's what I needed to do.
Not just surrender.
verb, present continuous tense
1. to submit to an opponent's authority and last, remain in existence,
or suffer patiently (or make the choice to put up with it for the long haul) 
I won't lie and say I love this new verb we invented,
but I needed to take a turn in my thinking.
So each day I try to discover little blessings in the midst.
My students are my joy, my mentors, and co-surrendurees (ooo! another new word!) through it all.
What do you need to Surrendure this season?