Slooooow Dooooown!

I took a day for myself Monday.
One advantage to being a part time teacher is that I only work
Tuesday - Thursday.
I heard there was a sloth at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and
took advantage of another teacher perk -
free entry into the museum with my badge.
The rainforest exhibit leaves next weekend
along with the sloth that was visiting.
His name is JJ.
After an hour and a half of watching him sleep,
he awarded my patience.
He poked his head up,
ate some kale,
scratched his fur,
and crawled across a rope to take another nap. 

It took him twenty minutes.

I was literally rewarded with twenty minutes of activity
for my ninety minute wait.
Was it worth it the effort?
Every. Second.
For JJ,
and for me!
When you love something,
it’s important to make time for it.
Whether it’s spending time with your kids,
reading a book, 
If you love something, make time for it.
Don’t try to fit it in between other activities.
Block off a day or
even half a day and
savor it.
I’ve been talking to friends about the ritual of having tea lately.
The process of steeping tea is
a slow,
time-intensive activity.
It’s not instant like coffee
or a bottled drink.
next time you need a little bit of a slow down,
make yourself some tea for a change.
Peppermint and chamomile are
good for the mind and gut
to slow yourself down and savor the moment. 

So here I sit in the back lounge of the museum
pretending to sip a cup of tea.
I look out toward the city of Denver and the Rocky Mountains behind it,
Take it from JJ the sloth or
the teacher who spent the day with him -
it’s worth it.

And yes…
It took quite a while to get birds in that picture. (wink)

More pics on Instagram @AllieSlocum_Author