Hikes, jobs and skateparks in the mountains

Do you remember the song "One of these things is not like the other..."?
We came across all four of these amazing views on the latest hike of my 50 miles before 50 challenge. (Feb. 15th post) #50milesb450
Study the picture above and play the game. Can you guess which one is not like the others?
If you said, bottom right - I totally agree with you.
We found this over a mile into this beautiful hike along a gorgeous creek. It seemed so out of place.
Like how I feel sometimes…

I’m about to start a new job next month. It’s super exciting but part of me feels a little like that concrete slab in the middle of the mountains.
What will the kids be like?
What will my coworkers be like?
How will the school atmosphere feel?
Will I fit in?

Yes, teachers have these thoughts too. We can’t always see what’s ahead on the path, but that’s part of the fun of exploring.
When any of us go into a new situation, we can feel out of place..
Part of our journey is getting to know new people, finding a common thread and discovering how we belong.
And that concrete slab? Someone put a ramp on the roof and made it a skatepark. Hiking has something for everyone.