Dealing with Disappointment

Such an ugly word.
I've had my share this last week.
We were all set to be extras on a 1st century tv show called The Chosen.
My husband spent two months growing a beard. We created special costumes. We planned for weeks.
We traveled to Texas and awaited our required Covid tests to come back. No one had symptoms. No one expected a positive result.
And then we had one…

Dreams dashed.

In the moment, I was able to rise to the occasion and say I was thankful not to be out in the 100+ degree temperatures. We made the best of it playing Chess and PayDay, but now I’m home and feeling the regret of not accomplishing what I set out to do.

I know there is a lesson in all this but I can’t see it yet. I still feel that place of in between. Maybe someday it will make sense but maybe it won’t. I spent some time processing this with friends. They didn’t try to fix it. They didn’t offer their ideas for the lesson. They just sat with me and told me this sucks. Empathy made all the difference.

So, how do I move on? How do I get past this? Time will tell.

For now, I’ll take a deep breath.

Pause to investigate the thoughts I’m thinking.

I realize there are bigger disappointments out there.
So, I’ll be grateful for the good that did happen: We had more time to visit with great friends.
We did avoid heat stroke conditions.
We ARE healthy.
We have a story to tell.
We have a new day to start fresh.

For now that will have to be enough.