Summer Reading Challenge

As I live in the in between, reading is one of those ways I heal or escape or take a break from the hard thoughts and decisions of daily life.

Call it whatever you want, reading is therapeutic.

So while I’m waiting to see whether I spend the next school year teaching or marketing my writing, (see last post) I decided to create a Summer Reading Challenge. I hope to build some community with other readers.

Yes, it’s for fun and to help you heal/escape/take a break, but it’s also to motivate young readers to slow down and spend some time with a good book this summer. And aren’t we all young at heart?

The challenge is below but also in this link if you want to print it as a reminder. Please comment below to let me know you’re in and invite a friend to do it with you. I have several book club guides to help you host your own book club for kids.

Summer Reading Challenge 2022

It’s as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

1.  Read at least 3 books from 3 different categories before August 15th

    • a book from the Character Club Series

    • a biography, autobiography or memoir

    • a graphic novel

    • a book a friend recommended

    • a mystery

    • a book with an animal

    • an audiobook

    • a classic (think Tom Sawyer, Secret Garden)

    • a book you already own

    • a book about a country or culture you have never visited

2. Subscribe to the Character Club newsletter/Instagram account/Facebook or ALL 3!

3. Go to the Summer Reading Challenge Blog post and comment on which 3 books you read by August 14th then watch for the August 15th newsletter to see if you won! (You are actually here! lol)

You could win one of the following prizes.

  • Invitation to a special tea with the author at the featured tea shop in Jeanie Blair, Author Extraordinaire.

  • Invitation to a nature walk to search for some of Peter O’Tooley’s favorite bugs.

  • $10 giftcard to Amazon

  • Free registration for next summer’s Character Club

  • Your name as a character in the next book