Going Back...

My youngest daughter’s GT teacher came into her class when I was subbing the last week of school. She told me she was leaving for a full time position at another school. My eyebrows raised as I considered what that could mean. After much discussion and prayer with my husband, I applied, interviewed (via phone during a camping trip!), was offered and accepted the part time Gifted and Talented teaching position at my daughter’s school. 

I am going back. 

After 13.5 years! I’m a bit shell-shocked thinking “what have I got myself into?” But I also lay awake night after night excitedly flooded with ideas and possibilities. I already love this staff and the students I’ll be working with.

And yes, I will keep writing. My next book should be out next month if everything goes well with the post-production. And there are more stories in my head waiting their turn…

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