My time as an Online Teacher during Quarantine April/May 2020

I teach twenty hours a week at my neighborhood elementary school. Every weekday, I walk the two minutes to the school where my daughters attended. I pull gifted and talented students from their classrooms for eighty minutes of math and thirty minutes of Language Arts. Then over their lunch break, I run just about every club the school offers to any student interested. Mondays it is the Spelling Bee for 3rd-5th. Tuesday we have Writer’s Club. Wednesday I actually get to leave early. Thursday is Battle of the Books for 4th and 5th. After school on Mondays 3rd-5th graders can join me for Chess Club. Tired yet? Oh and Character Club met after school too. And that’s only HALF of what the full time teachers do!

I remember one afternoon this March walking out of the portable where my classroom is located. I crossed the parking lot to head home on a warm, sunny day and felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

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A New Word

I have found that teaching the gifted and talented students has re-engaged my mind to new levels. I used to think about where words came from or who chose what word to mean what it does. But it's been a long time since I've pondered these things.

The tide is changing once again. Today I came across the word "august" in my reading and initially thought it was a mistake. Why would the author use a month of the year as an adjective?

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